
Showing posts from 2010

Souvenir from U2 360 degree concert Perth

“If you can only watch 1 concert in a lifetime, you would go for this one.” (Dave Thorpe-Willett) Awalnya saya tidak sanggup merangkai kata-kata untuk menggambarkan betapa dahsyatnya sajian pertunjukan yang kami tonton malam ini. Konser band asal Irlandia yang sangat tersohor itu sejak awal memang menjanjikan sesuatu yang berbeda. Bono dan kawan-kawan memboyong panggung berbentuk cakar raksasa (giant claws) yang konon bernilai 25 juta dollar! (tarik nafas panjang sekali). Sensasi hebat konser ini sudah terasa bahkan sejak perjalanan menuju stadium. Saya dan suami memutuskan untuk naik kendaraan umum karena pihak penyelenggara bekerja sama dengan Transperth menyediakan transportasi gratis bagi penontonnya, hanya dengan menunjukkan tiket konser. Dari rumah kami naik bis dan berlanjut dengan kereta. Di stasiun kereta sudah banyak berjaga petugas yang memberikan selebaran mengenai transportasi pulang setelah konser selesai. Rapi sekali perencanaannya untuk mengakomodasi sekitar 60 ribu pe...

Resep : Siomay Bandung

Ada beberapa macam cara bikin siomay. Siomay sendiri sebenernya varian dari dimsum, bernama shumai dan isinya pasti udang. Makanan dengan cara pengolahan ala siomay juga banyak macemnya. bisa jadi siomay ayam, daging, seafood, etc. Tapi ternyata siomay Bandung memang punya rasa khas. yang ternyata datang dari tenggirinya. (Jadi jangan percaya resep somay bandung yang tidak pakai tenggiri ya!) Setelah mencoba beberapa resep, sedikit modifikasi dari resep Primarasa keluaran Feminagroup -lah yang menurut saya cukup nendang. (jangan kenceng2 ya.. sakit bu. hehe). Hobi masak somay ini juga sempat nambah kenalan dan uang saku loh. Kalau berminat coba, jangan kecil hati dulu akan repot. kenyataannya tidak seribet itu. Yuk! Siapkan bahan untuk adonan siomay: 200 gr fillet tenggiri (Spanish Mackerel) - blender 100 gr udang kupas - blender 100 gr fillet dada ayam (blender) atau daging giling 3 batang daun bawang (atau kucai) 1 butir telor - temperatur ruang 100 gr kanji 10 gr terig...

Resep : Ketupat Sayur Betawi

Sejak kenalan dengan cara cepat memasak tanpa bumbu siap saji, waktu yang dihabiskan di dapur jadi lebih singkat tapi rasa masakan tetep nendang. Cara saya antara lain beli bahan dasar yang sudah siap pakai (bawang kupas, laos-jahe-serai iris => beli versi frozen, lalu di rumah dipindahkan ke wadah bertutup dan simpan di kulkas. trial pertama ini, sudah mau sebulan bahannya masih segar). Lalu gunakan blender buat menghaluskan.. kalau memang ada waktu, enaknya diulek manual sih. Dan tentunya santan pakai yang instan, kelapa parut pun kalo mau pakai beli yang sudah diparut versi frozen. Terasi beli yang sudah siap pakai. Berikut masakan yang agak rumit tapi jadi 'instan' dibantu trik di atas. Total lama memasak dari awal hingga bisa dimakan skitar 1.5 jam. Yang perlu disiapkan untuk bumbu : Bawang merah, bawang putih, cabe merah, terasi, lada bubuk, sereh, daun salam, santan (kalo cair 750ml, atau 250ml cream yang dicairkan hingga jadi 750ml), ketumbar, jintan, beras, kecap ma...

welcome new city, welcome Perth!

This could be the most remote capital city in the world in the most remote continent. But this place is definitely offer you a relax, laid-back lifestyle. The fresh air I breath every time said enough to welcome us last month. Western Australia is the biggest state of the country which area can cover multiple whole europe plus other countries. But it has only 2 million people! Compare to what Bangkok population with over 12 million people in a waaaayyyy much much smaller area, it is extremely different ambience. I don't see people cramming and what they say about traffic jam is actually a regular traffic during peak hours at my origin city, Jakarta. I can't fall in love instantly to Perth. We arrive when winter still around. Our tropical blood resists the wind blows every time. 10 degree in average even with sunny day doesn't help much. But we took a drive around. The nature here is just beautiful. Its remoteness actually an attraction point. You don't want many people ...

Makan jajanan Medan di Kedai Kak Ani

Kali ini kehormatan saya berikan kepada 'Kedai Kak Ani' sebagai tempat makan di Jakarta yang pertama kali saya jadikan tulisan. Terletak di jalan kemang, tempat makan yang relatif baru ini 'nyempil' di samping toko karpet dan restoran yang sudah lama ada bernama A Tavola. Namun dari pinggir jalan 'Kedai Kak Ani' sudah cukup eye catching dan menggugah rasa ingin tahu, terutama dengan slogan yang tertulis 'Masakan Khas Medan'. Mengingat ibu saya dibesarkan di Medan dan selalu mengagungkan jajanan di kota itu Kedai Kak Ani saya jadikan pembuktian apakah memang klaim ibu saya itu benar. Interior Kedai ini simpel tapi segar. Cocok dengan size Kedai yang relatif kecil dan hanya dapat menampung paling banyak 50 tamu sekaligus. Suasana akrab langsung terasa ketika saya duduk, ala Kedai tapi modern. Tapi yang terpenting makanannya bukan? Menunya juga sama sederhananya. Di bagian makanan utama hanya ada 9 pilihan yang saya yakin adalah highlights dari semua jajana...

Another Day at Greyhound

This is not the animal although I am pretty sure they were inspired by one. This is the restaurant me and my husband among only fewer others, that we frequently visit. We love to keep coming back here for its quality and quiet reasonable priced foods. Beside, its only 10 minutes walking distance from our home. Apparently after a while I just found out that this brand in Thailand was started from clothing business! To be precise - men's clothing in 1980. Then they make women's clothing, shoe, accessories and lastly a restaurant. In 1997 their first branch in Emporium is opened. Nice pick. Emporium is famous for upscale and fashionable outlets within. Also it lies in Sukhumvit road where a lot of expatriates and rich Thais live. Those that somehow can be picky of what they eat. (agree?) Anyway, that day I decided to order scallops with mashed potato and grilled veggy with pesto sauce. It turned out to be great! I must admit the quality of each ingredients that makes the differen...

The Red Sky - fine dining

Sesuai namanya, restoran ini ada ‘dekat’ dengan langit, alias di lantai teratas Centara Grand, hotel bintang 5 di dalam komplek Central World. Tempat ini punya 2 area duduk, indoor dan outdoor. Indoor cocok untuk pengunjung yang memilih untuk suasana lebih intim dengan pasangan dan teman-teman sementara area outdoor pas buat yang mencari suasana romantis dan party. Di area outdoor pengunjung bisa memilih duduk di meja ataupun di bar sambil menikmati home band mereka. Bangkok punya beberapa restoran rooftop, namun redsky ini termasuk yang menyenangkan karena lokasinya di tengah kota, akses mudah, pemandangan bagus dan penampang transparan di area outdoor yang mengurangi tiupan angin kencang. Menunya cukup beragam, sebagian besar international cuisine ala prancis dan italia. Saat itu kami memesan beberapa hidangan seafood dan kami puas sekali. Bahan-bahannya segar dan kualitasnya sesuai dengan harganya. Selain itu mereka juga punya wine cellar yang menarik dengan koleksi ribuan wine. coc...

Thailand Knowledge Park

Library inside a shopping mall? never thought about it before, never know such thing exists. But it does in Bangkok. And it doesn't call itself 'library', but knowledge park. When I think about it, this term is so right. When library associated with books (only), this place offers beyond that point. Located at the 8th floor of Central World-the biggest shopping center in Thailand, TK Park occupies over 2500 sqm, nicely divided into some zones. I can find books (some of them in English.. just some), journals, magazines, anything really. Go around and try their children zone and music zone (2 of my fave). they also have exhibition space and quiet room for those who need it. Many PC available to use, include to play games. TK Park was damaged during RedShirt riot in april 2010 however they are now make a bigger and better TK park in return.

Darah itu akhirnya tumpah juga - personal view tentang demo si merah di Bangkok

Sudah sebulan sejak pertama kali (start 11 maret, how can i forget that date) si merah masuk Bangkok, kemping di Phan Fa dan pawai keliling kota. Phan Fa bisa dibilang cukup strategis karena dekat dengan beberapa kantor pemerintahan (kantor parlemen, aneka departemen, etc) juga akses ke area turis such like grand palace, aneka temple dan cuma 1-2 km dari khaosan. Per 3 April mreka cari titik 'kemping' tambahan baru : perempatan Ratchaprasong. Buat penduduk Bangkok, perempatan itu bisa jadi pusat kota dengan aneka mall utama di skitarnya dan stasiun pusat BTS juga di daerah situ. Bis juga banyak yang trayeknya lewatin area itu. Dampaknya, kerugian scara materiil yang sangat besar buat Thailand dari pemasukan perdagangan (mall utama itu rata-rata tutup demi keamanan dan tidak ada akses buat pengunjung juga), bisnis (perkantoran di daerah itu juga sulit beroperasi) dan pastinya pariwisata. Warga lokal yang adem ayem aja dengan pawai si merah sejak maret juga mikir2 kalo mau jal...

Aturan Imigrasi Thailand Untuk Long Term Stay

Saya menemukan informasi mengenai aturan keimigrasian Thailand di beberapa poin pengurusan berbeda-beda. Yang saya maksud poin adalah kantor imigrasi di dalam wilayah kerajaan Thailand dan kedutaan serta konsular Thailand di luar negara tersebut.  Karena suami bekerja di kantor swasta lokal yang smua diurus sendiri, jadilah saya ikutan belajar smua aturan ini. Untungnya, saya udah biasa ngurus aneka surat-surat sendiri dan gerilya sana sini. Tapi menjadi tamu di negeri orang, rasanya lebih beruntung orang-orang yang gak seperti saya jadi tau beres saja. Moga-moga sharing ini berguna buat yang butuh. Pengajuan visa sebagai turis Thailand di Indonesia dapat dilakukan di konsular mereka di Denpasar dan Jakarta. Tapi pengajuan visa lainnya hanya bisa dilakukan di Jakarta. Pemegang paspor Indonesia dapat masuk ke dalam wilayah Thailand tanpa mengajukan visa dan memperoleh izin tinggal selama 30 hari  (di cap di bandara maupun pos perbatasan darat lainnya). Dengan visa turis y...

Angelina - Central Chidlom

It's very easy to find good dessert in Bangkok. They are just everywhere and few steps away from you. But, getting a dessert that is perfect and fulfill all you need, not an easy thing. Since I live in here, I just realized that dessert is huge matter.. and now I'm in the flow - dessert lover. :) Central Chidlom happened to be one of my favorite shopping center. And now this Angelina at 3rd floor is my destination after or between shopping time. Not only because the nice ambience and good service, but of course because of the food. They claimed this Angelina is related with a restaurant with the same name out there in Paris with Vera Wang as its regular customer. Pretty reputable there, and here I found there will be always some people drop by for a meal or just tea time.  This is one of my favorite dessert. Not their original menu. Ah, yes, this is another nice part of them, I can modify their menu to my preference. I forget how to call this. Its a combination of bake...

Red Shirt Rally

Last week I just discovered that red shirt rally plan is a serious action. I say this because for few months back, there are fewer demonstration by the red shirt and it was a small scale only. While this time, they claimed over 100 thousand protesters will gather in Bangkok or even more. Also this time, media talk much about it and government decided to apply the ISA, Internal Security Act, from 11th - 23rd march 2010. Not sure what it is all about, but it doesn't look okay. Warnings disseminate by all means and close to Friday the 11th March, I feel worry a little about how things going to be, because one of the suggestion given was stocking up food for a week consumption if possible. Last time I think stocked up is good idea was on 98 when big turmoil happened in Indonesia. Anyway, my daughter's school @Indonesian Embassy is officially close from friday 11th March to Tuesday, or until further notice. Some other local schools also encouraged to postpone their activities in ...

Funny fact #2 - proyek bangunan (construction)

saya tinggal di rumah yang berhalaman cukup luas di area perumahan yang katanya nyaman. hampir setahun saya di sini, kenyamanan yang dijanjikan rasanya cuma mimpi karena dari jam 8 pagi sampai kadang tengah malam, proyek bangunan di depan rumah benar-benar sukses memberi polusi suara dan debu. Padahal, jalan di depan rumah saya lebarnya cuma 4 meter (cukup 2 mobil saja) dan lahan yang dibuat apartemen hanya berupa petak yang cukup kecil. Si bangunan spertinya tidak menyisakan lahan untuk halaman sama sekali. Tapi ternyata ketika saya keliling kota, proyek bangunan di tengah perumahan yang (tadinya) damai tentram memang banyak! bangkok masih membangun. bahkan di tripadvisor seringkali di bahas sebelum booking hotel atau apartment, pastikan apakah di sekitarnya ada proyek bangunan. Rupanya sudah sangat umum polusi suara terutama menjadi 'musuh'. Yang lucu buat saya, kebijakan pemerintah tata kota dalam memberikan ijin membuat bangunan bertingkat ti...

Funny fact #1

As of today, I'd like to share some funny facts I see around here which actually many of them. Daily basis I can see some attitude or habit that for me, unusual. Tonight, me and my 3.5 yo girl were waiting for our nannies coming back to bangkok after their visa trip back home. Suvarnabhumi airport no longer provide seats near the meeting point, which was my fave spot to wait. So I can sit and see whether my guest passing by or not. Anyway, I found these seats of 6 not far from the meeting point. If we name the seats A-F, at seat A and B there were a couple of middle age ladies chatting with their briefcase sat in front of them. Seat C and E were vacant while the remaining seats each was occupied by guy reading book. So, since me and jasmine can't sit side by side and I don't think its a good idea to sit not side by side and these 2 guys seems so ignorance to move, jasmine decided not to sit on my lap (no longer convenient for her with this big bump) or taking the seat i...
Buat saya bangunan ini adalah oase di tengah 'gempuran' aneka kuil (wat/temple) yang tersebar di Bangkok dan didengungkan oleh perusahaan travel. Bangunan bergaya Prancis yang dibangun di era Rama V sebelumnya digunakan sebagai tempat upacara pemberian gelar. Kadang saya ke sini hanya ingin menikmati damainya kota sambil menyeruput kopi dari cafe DoiTung, grup yang diprakarsai oleh keluarga raja saat ini. Sebentar ataupun lama, berada di dalam tamannya rasanya nyaman sekali.  Saat ini bangunan utama bagian dalam dipakai sebagai tempat pameran barang hasil kerajinan masyarakat Thailand yang diprakarsai keluarga kerajaan. Untuk masuk ke dalam bisa gratis dengan potongan tiket masuk Grand Palace atau membayar 100 baht untuk keseluruhan komplek yang nantinya bergabung dengan Vimanmek Mansion (di bahas di posting lain).  Oya, bangunan ini namanya Ananda Samakhon Throne Hall. Sempatkan datang ke sini kalau ingin merasakan nyamannya suasana Eropa sejenak. ...

Thai and Food, not Thai food

Thai food is everywhere around the globe I am sure, but I am more interested in the affair between thai people and food. Any food. Although Thai food itself in internationally known, thai people I observe in Bangkok many times prefer international food too. Japanese food could be on top of the list. You'll easy to find any type of Japanese food at any standard (fine dining to fast food). Fuji can be the biggest Japanese restaurant chain here and during lunch/dinner time, its easy to find people queueing to get a table. Its not that the restaurant is small (standard size can cater up to 200 persons) but just because they're popular. After Japanese, Italian and Bakery could be next on the list. However, you actually can find many types of food in Bangkok, even recently MBK's fifth avenue has Indonesian section, an authentic one! not a fake one and tend to taste like malay or singapore food. Thai people always eat. Food vendor is everywhere! No shortage, available 24/7. De...


Located only 1.5 hours drive from Bangkok and famous for its nightlife, Pattaya still on the list to visit by traveller coming to Thailand from around the world. Although many bad rating given to Pattaya lately by some friends for these reasons : - the beaches is far overrated. (kind of true..Bali @ my home country still offer much better ones.) - the services by locals can be a ripped off (but it happens at many touristy places, right?) - its not family friendly due to many sex shows and go go bars. It used to have many HIV cases here. - not much to see around (well.. its not true!) I'd say Pattaya is not that bad. We should appreciate the local tourism authority whose trying to change that bad image of adult destination to a family friendly tourist objects. Beside the beach (well, it is very narrow with too much umbrellas), within short drive we can also get to Nong Nooch (Nong Nuj) with beautiful garden landscape, Mini Siam, Pattaya floating market (claimed as the biggest one)...

Children friendly spot - LeoLand Rooftop Waterparks

Just like other big cities, Bangkok has many to offer for family with young children. It has many parks with playgrounds, theme parks, museums, indoor playground even a rooftop water slides. This time I'll share about LeoLand, a waterpark in the rooftop of Central BangNa. This shopping center is big and has easy access from Bangna express way. However, it's actually not in the heart of Bangkok city. It took about half hour from the main bustling area of bangkok by car through express way (pay 45 bath for this road). Or you can take skytrain till the last station On Nut and get a cab from there for less than 100 baht if the road is clear. Once you are in the mall, go straight to the highest floor the elevator can get you and you can only take escalator to the very end floor.. the rooftop. It sounds like a journey itself to reach this medium size waterparks, but I'd say if you're not into extreme slides, this is the place. The entrance fee between thai and foreigners ...

Jim Thompson House - rumah sosialita Bangkok saat itu

Rumah milik Jim Thompson saat ini dilestarikan dengan baik dan berfungsi sebagian besar sebagai museum dan merupakan salah satu tujuan wisata 'wajib' untuk para turis yang datang ke Bangkok. Dalam area seluas sekitar 2000 meter persegi (atau 1 rai dalam ukuran thailand) saat ini kita dapat menemukan komplek rumah yang terdiri dari 6 bangunan bergaya arsitektur khas Thailand dengan modifikasi ala amerika plus restoran, galeri dan tentunya butik produk sutra Thailand khas Jim Thompson. Jim Thompson adalah arsitek lulusan Princeton Amerika yang secara sukarela bergabung dengan angkatan darat Amerika di masa perang dunia II dan bergabung dengan unit OSS (skarang disebut CIA). Selesai masa bertugas di berbagai negara dia memilih kembali ke Bangkok untuk menetap di tahun 1946. Di sini Jim Thompson bergaul luas dengan aneka kalangan dan sering mengadakan jamuan, aneka acara kumpul-kumpul juga pertunjukan seni Thailand, terutama setelah rumah ...

Souvenir from Acunk and the gang Tour

Here's a 4D/3N tour of 9 girls. They had full itinerary comprise of touristing and shopping. Visit 5-10 different spots in a day, with one show to watch every evening. Trip was included Pattaya day tour.

bangkok taxi service

Bangkok stunned some visitors not only because of their treasures but can also simply because of the taxi colors. Some of my guests with various favorite color had fun picking taxi according to their preference. Blue, pink, yellow, green, purple, red.. and sometimes with color combination too. Picking taxi here actually not an easy thing to do since some taxi won't take you to your destination with some reason - sometimes only God and the driver knows why. The scene you watch at some hollywood movies also not applicable here. First, you don't shout to taxi. After you hail, you can't just jumped in, close the door, ask the driver to move then tell him your destination. Common scene over here is you hail a taxi, ask the driver from outside about your destination, few seconds he thinks and if he said yes, then you get in. Many drivers can't speak English or can but with a 'unique' pronunciation. This kind of pronunciation not exclusively for taxi drivers but for ...


Penipuan terhadap turis maupun pendatang (tourist scams) juga umum terjadi di Bangkok. Yang paling lazim adalah rumor bahwa suatu tempat tutup karena acara keagamaan atau kerajaan maupun penipuan yang dilakukan tuktuk (20baht trip). Persamaan diantara keduanya adalah 'korban' akan diajak ke showroom perhiasan dengan harapan mereka akan membeli di toko tersebut dan 'penipu' akan dapat fee dari toko tersebut. Begini nih modusnya. Oknum 'penipu', sebutlah Khun A, biasanya beredar di sekitar calon korban. Ada yang berkeliaran di lobi hotel, di sekitar pintu masuk obyek wisata, di bandara, stasiun dan terminal bis. Kalau dia berwujud supir tuktuk biasanya dia akan heboh menawarkan jasa wisata senilai 20 baht. Atau, kalau kita berniat naik tuktuk menuju suatu tempat dan menawar tuktuk yang sedang parkir, dia akan setuju dengan mudah pasang harga 20 baht. (tuktuk = kendaraan roda 3 khas Thailand. Seperti bajaj di Jakarta tanpa dinding/pintu) Yang kemudian terjadi ...

scams in bangkok

Fraud against tourists or visitors (tourist scams) are also common in Bangkok.  The most common is the rumor that the place closed because of religious or royal event and fraud committed tuktuk (20baht trip).  The equation between the two is the 'victim' will be invited to a jewelry showroom in the hope they will buy in the store and 'con' will be a fee from the store. Here's the mode. The scammer, call Khun A, usually circulated around the victim.  They're wandering in the hotel lobby, around the entrance to attractions, at airports, stations and bus terminals. T uktuk drivers usually would stir tourist around offer worth 20 baht.  Or, if we intend to take a tuktuk to a destination from a parked one, he will easily agree with the price of 20 baht only.  (tuktuk = typical 3-wheeled vehicle Thailand. As prevalent of Bajaj in Jakarta without walls / doors) What then happens is that the passenger was brought around from one jewelry store to another store ...

Pratunam - Platinum

If we pronounce both words with thai accent, you will find them very identical. Nothing wrong with that since Platinum is located in Pratunam area. I kind of suspect that's also the name originally comes from :). Pratunam (pratu = door ; nam = water) is an area in the heart of Bangkok that fame for decades as the wholesale market, especially for fashion items. There are thousands of shops mushrooming in every side of the corner of this big intersection. Buyer would come from many places but I find thai (from other provinces), Indonesian-Singaporean and Arabs more often. Pratunam market consist of several shopping buildings and flea areas, marked from the Baiyoke sky tower along to Petchaburi and the opposite side you will see Pratunam building with vendors along the street. The latest on the gang is Platinum Mall, that is only across the canal from Central World, the landmark of the area. It also opposite of the older version of Pratunam market (still in Petchburi street). Plat...

Chatuchak Weekend Market

Chatuchak (atau Jatu Jak -JJ ) terkenal sekali sebagai pasar terbesar yang hanya buka di hari sabtu-minggu. Kenapa sabtu dan minggu aja? sebenernya pasar yang hanya buka di hari-hari tertentu juga pernah (dan untuk beberapa daerah-masih) berlaku di tanah air loh. Itu kenapa kita punya pasar dengan nama-nama hari, beberapa yang terkenal : Pasar Senen, Rebo, Jumat, Minggu. Walaupun akhirnya pasar-pasar tersebut buka setiap hari. Di Thailand pun demikian. Bahkan, untuk night market di Bangkok, masih ada tempat-tempat yang buka hanya di hari tertentu. JJ sendiri sekarang sudah diizinkan pemerintah kota untuk buka sebagian sejak hari Jumat. Walaupun sebenarnya untuk outlet dan wilayah tertentu, kita bisa temukan penjual yang berdagang setiap hari, biasanya untuk tanaman, binatang peliharaan dan furnitur.  JJ sendiri juga awalnya tidak dirancang untuk konsumsi turis, seperti halnya Suan Lum. Itu kenapa, koleksi di JJ lebih variatif dan selalu penuh, karena penduduk Thailand dari luar B...

My Tour Service is for YOU

Yes, I am providing tour service, this time limited to Bangkok and its surrounding area {soon will expand. Just wait! :) } but not limited to anyone. My service is fully customized. Mainly to give you a chance to explore only your places of interests the way you like it. Tour operator, big or small, won't offer flexibility as much as I will.  How? It's so easy! 1. Contact me and state your plan even if you haven't book any flight yet or you are already in the city.  2. I will give you some preliminary questions such as : when, who's coming (yourself, with your partner, child, parent, big group, etc), duration, what sort of places you'd prefer and the budget. 3. Based on your information, I will send a proposed itinerary, budget (with my fee separated, so you know where will your every penny goes to) and additional ideas-suggestions for your consideration. 4. Once the itinerary agreed and you pay your small deposit for my service, its my time to do al...

Welcoming my first tour group of 2010!

Acunk a.k.a Rini Nur Aini tercipta sbagai temen kuliah saya. Dia pun dikirimkan Tuhan ke saya sbagai grup tur pembuka tahun baru ini. Grup-nya acunk sudah kontak saya sejak beberapa bulan lalu setelah mereka ber-9 sukses mendapat tiket promo Air Asia. Itinerary mreka termasuk yang sangat penuh (mungkin karena semuanya cewek-cewek tangguh dan enerjik. hehe). Setelah mendengar aspirasi calon klien, itinerary yang saya ajukan ful dari pagi sampai hampir tengah malam setiap hari termasuk satu hari ful di Pattaya. Kami sepakat dengan contentnya tanpa terlalu banyak perubahan. Yeap, itu juga untungnya diskusi sebelum kedatangan. Persiapan saya sbagai host bisa lebih mudah. Malem ini Insya Allah mreka landing di Suvarnabhumi 7.45 PM. Soon will be a few long and exciting days. hohoho.. look forward to it!!


20 10.. here we come!