
Showing posts from March, 2010

Aturan Imigrasi Thailand Untuk Long Term Stay

Saya menemukan informasi mengenai aturan keimigrasian Thailand di beberapa poin pengurusan berbeda-beda. Yang saya maksud poin adalah kantor imigrasi di dalam wilayah kerajaan Thailand dan kedutaan serta konsular Thailand di luar negara tersebut.  Karena suami bekerja di kantor swasta lokal yang smua diurus sendiri, jadilah saya ikutan belajar smua aturan ini. Untungnya, saya udah biasa ngurus aneka surat-surat sendiri dan gerilya sana sini. Tapi menjadi tamu di negeri orang, rasanya lebih beruntung orang-orang yang gak seperti saya jadi tau beres saja. Moga-moga sharing ini berguna buat yang butuh. Pengajuan visa sebagai turis Thailand di Indonesia dapat dilakukan di konsular mereka di Denpasar dan Jakarta. Tapi pengajuan visa lainnya hanya bisa dilakukan di Jakarta. Pemegang paspor Indonesia dapat masuk ke dalam wilayah Thailand tanpa mengajukan visa dan memperoleh izin tinggal selama 30 hari  (di cap di bandara maupun pos perbatasan darat lainnya). Dengan visa turis y...

Angelina - Central Chidlom

It's very easy to find good dessert in Bangkok. They are just everywhere and few steps away from you. But, getting a dessert that is perfect and fulfill all you need, not an easy thing. Since I live in here, I just realized that dessert is huge matter.. and now I'm in the flow - dessert lover. :) Central Chidlom happened to be one of my favorite shopping center. And now this Angelina at 3rd floor is my destination after or between shopping time. Not only because the nice ambience and good service, but of course because of the food. They claimed this Angelina is related with a restaurant with the same name out there in Paris with Vera Wang as its regular customer. Pretty reputable there, and here I found there will be always some people drop by for a meal or just tea time.  This is one of my favorite dessert. Not their original menu. Ah, yes, this is another nice part of them, I can modify their menu to my preference. I forget how to call this. Its a combination of bake...

Red Shirt Rally

Last week I just discovered that red shirt rally plan is a serious action. I say this because for few months back, there are fewer demonstration by the red shirt and it was a small scale only. While this time, they claimed over 100 thousand protesters will gather in Bangkok or even more. Also this time, media talk much about it and government decided to apply the ISA, Internal Security Act, from 11th - 23rd march 2010. Not sure what it is all about, but it doesn't look okay. Warnings disseminate by all means and close to Friday the 11th March, I feel worry a little about how things going to be, because one of the suggestion given was stocking up food for a week consumption if possible. Last time I think stocked up is good idea was on 98 when big turmoil happened in Indonesia. Anyway, my daughter's school @Indonesian Embassy is officially close from friday 11th March to Tuesday, or until further notice. Some other local schools also encouraged to postpone their activities in ...

Funny fact #2 - proyek bangunan (construction)

saya tinggal di rumah yang berhalaman cukup luas di area perumahan yang katanya nyaman. hampir setahun saya di sini, kenyamanan yang dijanjikan rasanya cuma mimpi karena dari jam 8 pagi sampai kadang tengah malam, proyek bangunan di depan rumah benar-benar sukses memberi polusi suara dan debu. Padahal, jalan di depan rumah saya lebarnya cuma 4 meter (cukup 2 mobil saja) dan lahan yang dibuat apartemen hanya berupa petak yang cukup kecil. Si bangunan spertinya tidak menyisakan lahan untuk halaman sama sekali. Tapi ternyata ketika saya keliling kota, proyek bangunan di tengah perumahan yang (tadinya) damai tentram memang banyak! bangkok masih membangun. bahkan di tripadvisor seringkali di bahas sebelum booking hotel atau apartment, pastikan apakah di sekitarnya ada proyek bangunan. Rupanya sudah sangat umum polusi suara terutama menjadi 'musuh'. Yang lucu buat saya, kebijakan pemerintah tata kota dalam memberikan ijin membuat bangunan bertingkat ti...

Funny fact #1

As of today, I'd like to share some funny facts I see around here which actually many of them. Daily basis I can see some attitude or habit that for me, unusual. Tonight, me and my 3.5 yo girl were waiting for our nannies coming back to bangkok after their visa trip back home. Suvarnabhumi airport no longer provide seats near the meeting point, which was my fave spot to wait. So I can sit and see whether my guest passing by or not. Anyway, I found these seats of 6 not far from the meeting point. If we name the seats A-F, at seat A and B there were a couple of middle age ladies chatting with their briefcase sat in front of them. Seat C and E were vacant while the remaining seats each was occupied by guy reading book. So, since me and jasmine can't sit side by side and I don't think its a good idea to sit not side by side and these 2 guys seems so ignorance to move, jasmine decided not to sit on my lap (no longer convenient for her with this big bump) or taking the seat i...